Being in the middle (I hope it’s the middle anyway!) of yet another lockdown means hardly leaving your home, and certainly no overnight stays anywhere else. For those of us that can’t get enough of travel and adventures, this is a nerve-testing time! 

With that being said, there’s nothing we can do about it, so why not find things that come closest to satisfying your travel urges? In this short guide we’ll discuss some of the best ways to take your mind off of the boredom and to start feeling like a globetrotter once again! Feel free to leave any other suggestions in the comments so that others can join in on your fun!


One of the few things that we’re still allowed to do – at least in the UK – is to go out for exercise. A great way to make the most of this opportunity and to enjoy an adventurous outing is to plan longer hikes through nature.

You often don’t have to stray far from home (perfect for adhering to lockdown guidelines) to find amazing walks and treks to spots that you’ve never even visited before. I don’t think I’ve ever explored my local area as much as I have in the last year!

Simply have a Google, or use online maps to mark out your route. Look out for fields, hilly areas or forests and you’re well on your way to immersing yourself in a whole new world – hopefully giving you a somewhat travel-y feeling along the way! 

Of course, it’s not the perfect solution, but sometimes the best we can manage will have to do!

Plan your next trip

Another great way to feel the excitement of travel – without even leaving the house – is to plan your next adventure. Obviously, it’s not the easiest thing to plan currently; we don’t know when travel will be allowed again, we don’t know when certain countries will open their borders and we don’t know what the new travel requirements might be.

Having said this, you can still plan what you’re going to do when the time comes. Plan where you want to go, plan what you want to see and do whilst you’re there, see where you could stay.

The great thing about the internet is that it allows you to save as many spots, places to stay and activities as you want. And that’s exactly what I do! Browse for hours finding great beaches, awesome activities and stunning accommodations that you can keep stored away until it comes time to book. In the worst case, when travel is allowed, some of the activities won’t be, or some of the spots won’t be accessible – but thanks to your never-ending list of bookmarked ideas, you’ve got nothing to worry about!

For me, planning a trip is the single best way to feel the excitement, without actually being on the trip.

Start scrapbooking your old trips

If you feel too uncertain to plan a new trip, how about making more out of your old trips. Creating a scrapbook, a photo album or a photo board of an old trip is an easy, fun way to bring the memories back and get the travel feeling.

It’ll take you hours of digging through photos, old tickets and souvenirs that will keep you motivated through until the next one! 

They’ll also leave you with an added bonus – some great decorations for your home that will serve as a constant reminder of the best moments, journeys and destinations!

Read travel blogs

A bit of a shameless plug here, but, reading travel blogs can be another simple way to get yourself in the travel mood whilst at home. Look for the best travel blogs around and for those who have significant catalogues of destinations as they’ll give you hours of travel entertainment.

Not only can you use them to inspire yourself for future destinations, but they can provide you with a nostalgic documentation of a place you’ve once visited. Lots of blogs also have handy tips and guides that’ll help you to plan better for your next trips!

Read and watch travel books and programs

The fifth and final tip for quenching your travel thirst during this, or any lockdown for that matter, is to read travel books and watch travel documentaries and films.

There are so many out there, you’d be left with no time to sit around in boredom! It’s a super easy way to relax and get your travel fix whenever you have a spare moment, so why not make the most of it! Check out these lists of the best travel documentaries and the best travel books to start building your schedule!

With all of these activities to get you in the feeling of travel whilst at home, you’ll be able to keep yourself entertained for the foreseeable future! Not that I want it to be that long until restrictions are lifted…but just in case! Of course, it’s not going to live up to the real thing, but it’s a time for making do with what you’ve got.